Lottery Network Connectivity Challenges. – We discuss the Lottery Operation’s increasing requirements for data transfer to its Land-Based Distribution Network, the deficiencies of commodity approach to network connectivity supply and the questions that need to be addressed.
While State Lotteries strive to integrate emerging technologies to their land-based business and in doing so, further enhance the competitive advantage a land-based distribution network offers. So do the requirements increase for higher quality secure network connectivity and data transfer.
Today more than ever, the technological infrastructure connecting a Lottery Operator with its land-based agents is not merely limited to the critical network uptime requirements of the normal cycle of ticketing transactions. The networks must also cope with the increasing requirements for data transfer. To either: inform/alert the agents of any notable events or to advise players (via Visual Display Units) on jackpots, launches of new games, cross-sales promotions and announcements of general social interest.
When it comes to Lottery network connectivity supply, traditionally lottery operators turn to major telecommunications companies in their state/territory and negotiate a package deal for a generic internet service (LAN and/or mobile) for the total number of distribution agents and merchants.
However, this commodity approach to networks has its inherent deficiencies. When comparing specialised connectivity services to the typical commodity connectivity supply around the world, we have noticed practically and without exception that:
- There are substantial regional variations in the quality and speeds offered by even the more advanced telecommunications providers – be it LAN and/or mobile SIM-card based connectivity solutions.
- Most connectivity packages negotiated, follow exclusively a price sensitive mass supply approach and are fundamentally structured to accommodate the average per site requirements. They do not account for the actual varying requirements from one land-based Agent to another nor peak transactional requirements during a typical Lottery day or a week.
- Due to the lack of forward-looking active network management, any downtime experienced is typically dealt by the telecommunications provider only once the problems have been escalated. And usually falls in the client emergency tray along with any other client network failures.
Yet there are effective ways in which each individual Agency’s connectivity requirements can be addressed. Especially when the focus is predominantly on the quality of service rather than the cost alone. Since let’s face it, it is the quality of the connectivity service that assures revenues.
Indicatively, such services could include: network agnostic SIM-solutions, financial transaction grade security and network integrity, proactive monitoring of the performance to ensure an optimal level of uptime and superfast recovery, in the event any downtime is experienced.
Get in touch with our team to discuss how we can help you to address your Lottery Network Connectivity challenges, to grow your land-based business and ultimately increase designated funds for good causes!